I have a new hitch mount and 4 foot military mast sections.
Mast on ebay $30 shipped. there are 12 X 4 ft poles Hitch on ebay $92 shipped
I am trying out various antenna options as shown below.
20 meter Hamstick dipole on 20 foot mast. I also have a 40 meter Hamstick dipole
Par Endfed as an inverted V. This config works 20 and 40 meters.
The Buddistick mounted at 16 feet. I used this config on 40 meters. Uses whole coil so easy to tune by counterpoise which slopes to the ground.
A long wire that is done with the Wireman invisible wire so you can't see it. I used the MFJ 971 tuner and made contacts on 40 and 30 meters.