Don KK4DWC hosted a club fox hunt at his Mr. Grumpy's Crooked Fence Ranch near Southport FL. In addition the
NA4RR Hex Beam I bought at the Orlando Hamcation was deployed.
This is actually a pre-test for the upcoming Field Day. Marv KK4DKT and other club members did most of the work. The Rohn 9H50 telescoping mast was supported at the base by the rocket club trailer. It was only extended to about 18 feet.. There were 9 guy wires to angle pieces driven in the ground. Marv headed up the assembly and pushing the mast up. We just used the wires for 20 and 15 meters. The SWR was excellent across those bands. No tweaking or tuner required. It just happened that the bands were terrible I only made one QSO to VA. Bob WB8PAF also made a QSO.. So looking forward to Field Day for a real test. After Field Day the Hex Beam will transition to the Panama City ARC club. Hint they have a nice tower.
Marv and Cody assembling |
Bob KK4DIV hooking up the guys |
Marv KK4DKT pushing it up. |
NA4RR Hex Beam Deployed. |