In the month of May, I kept a log of my Rapidly Deployable Amateur Radio (RaDAR) activity. RaDAR is a good way to exercise your portable operating skills and equipment. See for the rules. I had 18 RaDAR outings (16 Portable, 1 Mobile, 1 Pedestrian Mobile) at ten locations with 42 QSOs total. In RaDAR there are portable, mobile, and pedestrian mobile categories. The categories are a little different from what you might think. So take a look at the rules.
My Mobile outing was 5 contacts at St. George State Park, 6 contacts at St George Lighthouse, 1 at a park in Apalachicola FL for 336 points. My Pedestrian Mobile outing was a 2.5 km walk 5 contacts and a 2.5 km walk at TopSail Hill Preserve State Park FL for 192 points
I calculate 956 points total for May. The Mobile and Pedestrian Mobile categories get multipliers. Lots of bonuses in the rules. I am dismal at logging so the program inspired me to do better. There is a Google+ Community: Rapidly Deployable Amateur Radio (RaDAR) for sharing your RaDAR operations It is easy to post a picture of your setup using the smart phone. I am encouraging the community to make at least one RaDAR outing a month.
EM70OQ88 St. George State Park FL |
E79NP69 St. George Island Lighthouse |
EM79MR23 Park in Apalachicola FL |
EM60UI Topsail Hill Preserve State Park near Miramar Beach FL |
EM70CE82 Lunch Ops near La Quinta on Thomas Drive Panama City Beach FL |
EM70ED45 Panama City ARC Club House |
EM70DF90 Walking Park Panama City FL |
EM71GF Parent's House Dothan, AL |
EM70EL23 Mr. Grumpy's Crooked Fence Ranch South Port, FL |
EM72NN Brother In Law's Yard Columbus GA |