Friday, October 11, 2013

Have you made your RaDAR Contest Plans?

You have some time. The RaDAR-America Contest is Saturday November 2nd 2013. The rules are at this linkRaDAR is Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio originated by ZS6BNE. The Monthly RaDAR Challenge is on-going.  If you are interested in RaDAR visit the RaDAR Google Plus Community.

RaDAR encourages mobility.  I have chosen the pedestrian mobile category. Therefore, I must move .6 miles (1 kilometer) after making five contacts or make five contacts over the course of .6 miles.  I do not have to make contacts on my feet but I can. So I'll need an area to operate in. I am choosing St. Andrews State Park near Panama City Beach, FL. The park is an awesome location due to being surrounded by saltwater on three sides. I placed some markers on the photo that are 1 kilometer apart. I like Sandy point as it clear of obstacles and almost completely surrounded by saltwater. There is a good chance I'll oscillate between Sandy Point and the Dock.

I am thinking about using a 33 foot vertical wire supported by a 31 foot Jackite pole. I can tune that wire as a half wave on 20 and full wave on 10 with a LNR end fed match box. It also could be a 3/4 wave on 15 and a quarter wave on 40 with a counterpoise. But gee the simpler choice is to just go with the Alexloop which is also vertically polarized. 

The contest is 4 hours, 9 AM until 1 PM CDT. How many 1 kilometer trips can I make? That depends on a lot of factors and details to ponder.

You can see me on APRS as N4KGL-5 with my android smart phone. I use the RunKeeper app to tell my distance traveled. I use the HamGPS app to identify my grid square. The exchange includes grid square or USNG location. So if we work I'll be trying to get yours. My planned frequencies are below but hunt and pounce will likely be the order of the day.

40m CW 7055 kHz SSB 7185
20m CW 14050 kHz SSB 14342.5
15m CW 21050 kHz SSB 21437.5
10m CW 28050 kHz SSB 28400
2m FM 145.565 Simplex

Anyway I am counting on good weather and good propagation. It is a premier weekend for portable ops so get out and operate RaDAR if you can.

Greg N4KGL

St. Andrews State Park