I visited St Andrews State Park near Panama City, FL to do some Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio RaDAR. I guess today was a checkout in anticipation of the RaDAR contest coming up on April 5th. This was an opportunity to test the KX3 and Alexloop in a Semi Pedestrian Mobile configuration. I call it semi because I only make QSOs at stops when I have the Alexloop planted in the sand. On one side I wear the KX3 in a video case with the top removed, On the other side is a pack with my 10 AH LiFePO4 battery plus all the miscellaneous items.

I started on the North side of the park at the pier. The skies were clear but the wind was extra chilly about 10 AM. I worked AB5RE in Lubbock TX on 14.060.

I notice the pelicans were cold and hungry. They gathered at the fish cleaning station.

Near the pier is a picnic table. I took advantage of that and worked locals K4GXV, WB4BLX and N4STC on 146.565 simplex. Then I worked K4GXV, WB4BLX on 18.078 CW. Ron KK4DWE came out to join me. Continuing at the picnic table I got N0KV Ellis County TX on 18.136 SSB. Last contact was IW2HAJ on 28.402 SSB. I was kind of beat up by the cold but Ron inspired me to continue the 1 kilometer walk to Sandy Point.

The walk is next to the Grand Lagoon which has lots of boat traffic and fisherman. The most frequent question was What are you tracking with the loop? I have thought up a good response: Orcas! Seen any?


Greg N4KGL wearing the semi pedestrian mobile pack up.
At Sandy Point on 17 meters SSB I worked KA2WDV in New York it was a struggle. That was followed by the best contact of the day. It was KB8HHA in Ohio who gave me a solid S9 on his meter and we had a nice chat. I worked locals WB4BLX and K4GXV on two meters and 17 meters SSB from the point as well. I wanted to make use of the leg key while standing and I snagged N7KY in Jackson, TN on 14.055. I did a number of CQs hoping to get some RaDAR buddies but no luck this time.
I'd say the pack up did well for RaDAR. I carried no extras like my table or chair. I hope I am spared the chilly winds and any rain on April 5th!
73s Greg N4KGL