Saturday was the first rocket launch in Samson, Alabama after the growing season. The SouthEast Alabama Rocketry Society (SEARS) launches from a 400 acre plus farm there. I also scheduled a RaDAR On-The-Air Meetup at the same time. This creates a bit of a challenge. On this particular Saturday, the morning started with light rain. This delayed our setup of launch gear. To get on the air quick and stay dry, I chose to put out a Chameleon Hybrid Micro and a whip a short distance from the truck. I kept the Icom 7100 and battery in the back seat and put the control head in the front seat.
The Chameleon Hybrid Micro with whip next to the truck |
The first hour was 40 meters. On SSB, I did hear Mike AC4MV in Virginia. He did not hear me. I did not hear any others from the RaDAR Community so I worked a couple of Arkansas QSO Party stations. On CW, I worked Bob WB4BLX and Jim K4LIX in Panama City. Also from Panama City I worked Mike KM4ELJ who is a relatively new ham and has picked up the code. I enjoyed my first CW QSO with Mike. I was a bit weak into Panama City.
The Icom 7100 control head in the front seat so I could stay dry. |
During the second hour on 20 meters SSB, I was having no problem and picked up six on SSB and two stations working the SKCC Weekend Sprint. Later in the day, I worked a couple more SKCC stations. My rocket launch was a four inch diameter payload rocket on an I140 motor. I hope to put a 20 meter HF beacon in the payload for a future launch.
My rocket launch. I hope to put a 20 meter beacon in the payload for a future launch |
I spent Saturday night in Dothan, Alabama with my Parents. On Sunday, still in Dothan, I setup the Mountain Topper Radio in the yard and picked up a couple of SKCC Sprint stations on 40 meters. Sunday's weather was excellent as the temps and humidity were coming down, October 3rd will be the next rocket launch in Samson and I might setup a RaDAR Meetup at the same time again. The October Launch is usually beautiful weather.
The setup from Parent's yard in Dothan, Alabama |
The gear including the Mountain Topper |